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I Believe In Bacon

Not only do I believe in bacon, I believe in cute illustrations.
Here is one I borrowed from the web.
I didn't post here yesterday. Shame on me. Day three I took off doing other things early in the morning.  I had a date with a friend to head to Madison to visit a marvelous farm fresh restaurant and market, aptly named Farmview Market. Awesome sauce. We ate the most wonderful lunch and shopped around admiring all the local produce. Is there anything prettier than a round, fresh, plump off the vine, tomato? (Oh yes, the peanut butter pie!). I bought a few small home made soaps - lavender and oatmeal. Does it get any better? Our plans to continue on to an antique shop kept me from buying groceries that would fry in the stinkin' hot car while we lingered looking at treasures in air conditioning. Farmview Market is  twenty miles from my little cottage in Social Circle, a lovely drive on back roads (which I prefer over the expressway.) I plan on making a trip back for my next grocery shopping spree. We are pleased to stock high quality, locally sourced goods from trusted farmers and artisans. I think that phrase on their web page sums up their mission.
This morning I popped a bit of bacon in the microwave to munch with an English Muffin, topped with orange marmalade and sharp cheddar cheese. The muffin and cheese bring back memories of a visit to my sister and her husband last August. Their morning ritual, coffee and muffin with cheese. I stole the idea from them and smile as I eat. I like to pretend my sis is here chatting with me. The bacon? Who doesn't love bacon. That hint of meat in the morning pops my brain cells. And look, I am writing again on Day 4. (Note I will no longer add day numbers in my titles. You will have to check and see if I am consistent with my dates!)
Yes or no to bacon? Good or bad for you? Last night I read an article someone posted on Facebook, written in 2016, that horrified me on the quality of the food we stuff into our mouths. After reading it I came to three decisions:
1. I am eating bacon. (bacon was not addressed in the article but it seems the least offensive of choices available)
2. Hustle myself to buy organic, perhaps at Farmview Market, or closer to home where the grocery stores do feature local farmers goods.
3. I don't believe chips and salsa are falsely represented and will continue to be a mainstay of my diet.
All kidding aside, it is time to rethink food. I rarely cook, restaurants keep my tummy full (and bloated - but let's not go there). I am living in a rural community full of farmlands that roll on acre after acre, so why not take advantage of all the goodness around me?
Another shock this morning, that will change my soda habit, Coke Zero will stop being made next month. Coke will roll out another version of it  to grab more interest. Apparently everyone loved Coke Zero, but that did not give the dollar amounts Coke wanted. I am a soda freak and will have to rethink what I drink, too. Is this when I really take charge of my heath and turn to water, with ice, and lemon? Just watch where my water comes from, too. All is not what it seems.
Below are the links to Farmview and the two articles that may change my life. Slim me down. Finally make me fess up and take control of what I put in my body.  Stop stuffing food in without having a plan (other than my usual plan, I am gonna eat all that I see.)
If I liked alcohol, I could whine with wine. But, for me, I'll always have bacon and coffee.


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