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Day Two Quotes And A Little Pixie Dust

No hazelnut creamer in my coffee this morning. Life is sweet enough.

A few weeks ago I made a promise to myself. No more complaining. No more 'what ifs'. No more waiting to move forward. So many things happened in the last year and a half that slowed me down, made me question who I was and what would I do for the rest of my life.

Those thoughts kept me bogged down. Don't worry about the rest of your life, worry about today, became my new mantra. And things started happening. Good things, great things. The reason I moved from my home of thirty years to a small community an hour away - change. I needed change. My old life was good, but I wanted more. The house of my dreams, a chance to jump start my creative juices, and find my biggest adventure yet. You know, I am not a traveler, I am a nester, so that big adventure I want will still be outside my front door. Only this time my door is hinged to a wonderful renovated 1906 Victorian bungalow with sweet gardens, tall ceilings, awesome crown moldings, and all my lovely painted furniture. We all fit in here like the house had been waiting for us (us being me and the five fab dogs). Even the dogs are happy in their new yard and the bed we cuddle in at night.

A blessing.

I decided to be grateful instead of worried. Shake off the fears of the past fourteen months and the challenges that came at me - health, loss, sadness, and look forward to what is ahead. I sprinkled a little pixie dust around me and did a happy dance. The dogs joined in as only dogs can when you jump around like an idiot in front of them.

I looked at Pinterest this morning as I sipped my coffee to find a few quotes I think work here. Along with the little pixie gif above.  I hope you will enjoy them if you visit my little blog.

A final note that fills me with joy. Life in my new town is going to be awesome. I can't wait to share what I'm doing next. There is much on the horizon. I am writing, getting involved with a few fantastic groups, setting up a new antique booth, making new friends, and treasuring my old friends. 

All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. I have landed where I was meant to be. At least for now. My other motto, which always gets me in trouble, never say never.


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