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Showing posts from September, 2017

Which Came First The Chicken or The Egg

I am happy to report I have stayed on my diet since my last post. Eggs for breakfast and some chicken for dinner, or lunch, or in between. Last night could have been my demise thanks to a no-carb fried pork rinds. Munching happily away a tiny little crumb landed in my throat the wrong way. I choked and coughed and then repeated the same for at least an hour. Now I know why my little Chi Chloe kept coughing after her kibble caught in her throat as she tried to avoid another of the pack eating her food. It hurts. It doesn't go away quickly. But it did, and I am hear to moan about the loss of bread and cake in my life. Seriously, I feel pretty good. I am not weighing, but I have a doctor's appointment to check my blood pressure today. We'll see if my choices to lower my weight have raised my blood pressure. Don't care. I am on this diet to see if I can sustain and drop a few pounds. I don't want to be a skinny me, just a healthier me with less fat on my hip...

I'm a Pizza

I've been missing on my new blog. The everyday posting thing hasn't worked out for me. But on the other hand, I have been working on a new novel. So it's coffee with Nigel the character in my story that takes flight. I also visit Facebook with my coffee. A stalker of other lives. Is there inspiration to be found? A favorite shop posting a photo of an antique I can't live without. If so, I watch the clock until 10 am when most shops open and make a quick call. "How much? Yes. Perfect. Here is my charge card. I'll be in later today to pick it up." Lately, I wake up in the morning, fear at my heart, as I ask myself a simple question. "Did I buy anything online last night?" Like a drunk on a binge, I am out of control at 2 am, up on Etsy, clicking the 'put in your cart' button. I have a thing for jewelry with old tintypes of turn of the century people. "Dead People" I call the creations with photos dangling from chains of pea...